The VR&E Officer must approve IL program costs exceeding the counselor approval limit of $25,000 per calendar year. Program costs exceeding $75,000 per calendar year can be approved by the Director of the VA Regional Office. Program costs in excess of $100,000 per calendar year and IL-related construction costs exceeding $25,000 must be approved by the Director of VR&E Service.
delay delay delay seems to be the norm. perhaps not all...but the atlanta RO is basically telling the director to piss up a rope with her sop
Thursday, December 25, 2008
written testimony of director fanning
Some of the IL services VA provides include training in activities of daily living, training in skills needed to improve an individual's ability to live more independently, attendant care during a period of transition, transportation when special arrangements are required, peer counseling, housing integral to participation in a program of special rehabilitation services through an approved independent living center or program, training to improve awareness of rights and needs, assistance in identifying and maintaining volunteer or supported employment, services to decrease social isolation, and adaptive equipment that increases functional independence.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
My 4-year Nightmare with ILP
Here's a recap by dates of the four years it took to get VA ILP benefits. Since the completion of the ILP, I have been corresponding with Vets who are in the same boat I was in and assisting them in getting their benefits. I also spoke at a subcomittee hearing for VA ILP on 10 Jul 08 (more about this in an upcoming post) on some of the issues that Vets were/are having.
Bear with me on these next couple of posts as I will be posting some older stuff. I know many are having issues with or have not heard about ILP. This blog/post is to spread the word and bring the fight to the front steps of congress.
Nov 3 - met with vr&e counselor (Tina Hutchison) in savannah ga. Applied for Independent Living Program (ILP).
1/26/04 – got email reply saying ‘wheels in motion’
3/2/04 – requested situation report (sitrep)
5/5/04 – reply to above (almost 2 mos to the day) ‘ I have contacted an ILP contractor to come to this area and do an ILP assessment for 3 vets, including you…
6/23/04 – interviewed with Jennifer Johnson IL contractor from Atlanta
6/24/04 – provided email response to johnson’s request for more info.
7/27/04 –email request sitrep from Johnson
7/27/04 – reply to above from Johnson. ‘I sent my report to tina Hutchison several weeks ago. Now it’s in the hands of tina…’
12/20/04 –receive phone call from hunter Ramseur (another va consultant from atlant who figured he’d get some interviews done while in hilton head island s.c.) he comes to house for interview. Post interview he requested some documents with a promise to return them upon his return to Atlanta. Have yet to receive them.
3/4/05 – telephonically request sitrep from Hutchison. ‘just got new guidelines, will know something very soon’. Also advised her about documents given to Ramseur not returned. Hutchison promised to get in touch with him and have them returned.
5/16/05 – email Hutchison request sitrep. Also advised her still nothing back from Ramseur.
9/22/05 – email request sitrep. No contact from anyone (va or consultant) for more than 6 mos now.
12/5/05 – still no contact from anyone. Email Hutchison. 2nd anniversary has now come and gone. Is there really an IL program? Is Hutchison still working in savannah? Hello. Is anyone out there?
12/6/05 – email complaint to Inquiry Routing & Information System (IRIS)
12/6/05 – receive email from hutchison. ‘sorry… have scheduled appointment for 15 dec
12/7/05 – receive response from above. “after discussing your case with ms Hutchison, she reports that due to her current caseload it has been difficult to complete a specific proposal for your ILP and meet other demands on her time. She now has the information from the 2 contractors…”
12/7/05 – reply to Hutchison email ‘0900 will be fine’
12/15/05 – arrive 0850 for appt. 0930 hutchison asks if I have an appt. just another bs meeting. Was given another orientation sheet. Told me hunter had recommended concrete floor greenhouse with elec/water/etc. now she had all the recommendations she would forward to whomever to get final approval
2/2/06 – email Hutchison asking for sitrep.
2/7/06 – inquire of IRIS again…no reply
2/21/06 – another inquiry of IRIS to 2/7/06 inquiry
2/22/06 – receive reply from IRIS. “…request has been sent to mr Ramseur to provide information…, I encourage you to keep in contact with Hutchison…”
2/23/06 – respond to IRIS’s response. “…after I met with Hutchison 15 dec she told me she had ALL the paperwork she needed… and I have sent Hutchison 10 emails with only 2 replies and 3 phone messages – 0 returned…”
2/24/06 – email Hutchison with information outlined in IRIS response of 2/23/06.
2/24/06 – receive email from Hutchison stating she had contacted Ramseur (AGAIN?) for the info from him.
2/27/06 – receive followup from IRIS. “she is communicating with you directly…, please continue to work with her to complete a plan of service.”
3/27/06 – email Hutchison requesting sitrep. “we are going on just about 2 ½ years since this process was started and I think that’s a little excessive.”
3/31/06 – email from Hutchison. “Proposal has been sent to Atlanta for review/approval. …am looking primarily at the 8’ x 10’ size range…”.
4/1/06 – acknowledge email of 3/31/06. request copies of Johnson/Ramseur reports.
5/11/06 – email Hutchison for sitrep. 2nd request for Johnson/Ramseur reports.
5/19/06 – email from Hutchison “final approvals have been received. I am looking for providers and contractors…, Request for information from your file have to go through the freedom of information office in Atlanta and must be in writing. If you need I can get you an address.”
5/19/06 – email Hutchison for address. 3rd request
6/6/06 – since no reply, send written request per 5/19/06 instructions to Hutchison via certified mail 4th request
6/7/06 – item delivered 1:55pm on june 07, 2006 per USPS.
7/28/06 – no reply in over 60 days. email Hutchison again for information/address
5th request
7/28/06 – receive email from Hutchison “I’m off on Monday so I will call you on Tuesday”.
7/31/06 – stayed in house all day to receive call. Never came.
8/1/06 – while at dr appt Hutchison calls and leaves msg, “I’m returning your call”.
8/2/06 – email Hutchison again ask for sitrep , also status of reports requests 6th request
8/7/06 – email Hutchison “did you forward the request for consultant reports I sent you…7th request
10/30/06 – meet with Congressman Barrow’s LA in savannah.
10/30/06 – upon return from Congressman Barrow’s LA called VR&E Regional office in Atlanta. After short recap of situation was advised to FAX a request for another voc rehab counselor if I was unhappy with hutchison. With that answer it appeared to me the problem was not only with Hutchison but in fact was systemic.
10/30/06 – mailed request IAW FOIA to VR&E Regional office same info requested of Hutchison on 7 previous occasions (via cert mail)
11/6/06 – mailed entire 40+ page packet of documents to VA Inspector General.
11/9/06 – certified mail delivered Decatur VR&E office 7:47am
12/12/06 – phoncon from Congressman Barrow’s LA. Ssya he was advised that since some of my disability is for PTSD, VA will not release any information from my files to me, but will release same to my therapist.
12/12/06 – advise karla hillen (therapist of 7 years) of situation. Request I sign release of records form. Go to her office and sign forms.
12/13/06 – therapist request release of info from Hutchison/regional office.
1/26/07 – receive call from Hutchison. Says got final approval (AGAIN???) and is going to turn entire packet over to hunter Ramseur when he comes to savannah next Tuesday. He will again come out to house for prelim survey and negotiation, survey, and coordination for project completion. Additionally she will mail me documents for signature/return……
1/29/07 – receive packet from VA IG. “Unfortunately, we are unable to take action on your correspondence as it is unclear exactly what you are alledging and why you are requesting OIG involvement. We ask that you summarize the 48 pages…”.
2/5/07 – call from therapist. They’ve receieved Johnson/Ramseur reports. Receive 11 pages via fax. Both reports recommendation similar. Still no word from Ramseur. Included is application approval from Grant Swanson VR&E Regional Office. DATED 4/3/06. NOW ALMOST ONE YEAR SINCE APPLICATION WAS APPROVED WITH STILL NO ACTION BEING TAKEN.
2/15/07 – haven’t heard a word from Hutchison or Ramseur. Received nothing in mail from Hutchison. Will fax summary back to IG office today.
2/15/07- fax summary back to IG office
2/19/07 – Johnson/McCartney/Singleton meet with Congressman John Barrow in his Savannah office. This and other veteran issues are discussed. Congressman agrees to provide letter of endorsement on package to be sent to veteran affairs committee members.
3/1/07 – receive email from Hutchison asking if I received paperwork she allegedly mailed for signature/return.
3/1/07 – reply to Hutchison email “on 1/26/07 you stated Ramseur would be picking up packet and would be in contact with me. Also that you would mail documents for signature. I have not heard from Ramseur or received anything from you”.
3/2/07 – Hutchison reads email above.
3/18/07 – receive letter from IG. We have opened a case…
4/12/07 – Receive call from Ramseur stating he was just given case file and would like to come down to meet getting the project underway. I asked him why it took him so long to get in touch he wasn’t sure to what I was referring. Then I advised him that on 26 Jan 07 Hutchison called me and advised he would pick up my packet from her in be in touch shortly. He assured me he had no such knowledge thereof and in fact had just been contacted by the Director to take over this project and get completed asap.
4/16/07 – Receive letter from L.R. Burks dtd 4/10/07 apologizing for the delay and trying to make excuses for what had (actually had not) transpired. Stated that procedures were put into place to prevent future occurrences.
4/18/07 – reply to Burks letter.
4/24/07 – receive reply from Burks “…respond more rapidly more effectively to your needs as well as other veterans…”.
12/3/07 – 1405 amy Thompson called left message
12/3/07 – 1520 return call left msg on voice mail
12/4/07 – 0810 return call left msg
12/4/07 – 1030 return call and talked to amy. She stated whe would like to help me address some of the concerns I addressed to Director Fanning. Gave a recap and sent her copy of my recap. She will read and call back.
12/4/07 – 1710 amy calls and again apologize for shotty treatment. States one thing for certain “authorization for payment for electrician was completed today and he should receive payment in 7 - 10 days”. I find this incredulous because I have email from hunter reamseur 11/16/07 stating the same thing. APPARENTLY SOMEONE IS NOT DOING THEIR JOB AND TELLING FALSEHOODS TO COVER IT UP…….AGAIN…send copy of hunter’s email to her. She explains that apparently someone doesn’t understand the payment process is a 2 step process. Approved at RO and fwded to Austin for payment. IN ALL ACTUALITY IT’S A 3 STEP PROCESS. Local to Regional to Austin. Not withstanding. Why does it take 50+ days to process an invoice for payment?
And another question. First email from Hunter is 10/26 stating invoice for Robinette is at the Regional Office for processing….
Author’s note: It appears Director Fanning has requested an in-house investigation to address the problems I outlined to her. I really believe it’s going to take an upper echelon visit to look into not only what I addressed but really come down and open this pandora’s box. Who knows how many veterans are affected by this malfeasance. The Regional Director L.R. Burks told me in his last letter that all problems had been addressed and corrective actions taken to preclude further occurrences. Apparently that is not true.
Amy Thompson called veteran Singleton 12/3/07 and states she couldn’t find his records but would call him back. 12/7/07 Vy called him back and states amy was out of office. Also stated she couldn’t find his records but would call him back Monday 12/10/07 to talk again.
12/27 send Thompson an email inquiring as to whereabouts of $$$$$ 7-10 days from Dec 4th makes Dec 18th. Is someone lying again?
1/25 receive call from grant swanson…..tries to justify (we process thousands of pieces of paper yearly and occasionally one falls thru the crack…this ENTIRE case has fallen thru the crack repeatedly.
Asks to get copy of robinette invoice. I will fax to him. Says I’m trying to be a surrogate…NO AMY made me a surrogate in her last email….last email pisssed me off hence my followup letter to ruth fanning. Says doesn’t know if there’s anything that can be done but will try……my thoughts…SOMETHING WILL BE DONE….it was still in excess of 30 days when I PAID him.
Bear with me on these next couple of posts as I will be posting some older stuff. I know many are having issues with or have not heard about ILP. This blog/post is to spread the word and bring the fight to the front steps of congress.
Nov 3 - met with vr&e counselor (Tina Hutchison) in savannah ga. Applied for Independent Living Program (ILP).
1/26/04 – got email reply saying ‘wheels in motion’
3/2/04 – requested situation report (sitrep)
5/5/04 – reply to above (almost 2 mos to the day) ‘ I have contacted an ILP contractor to come to this area and do an ILP assessment for 3 vets, including you…
6/23/04 – interviewed with Jennifer Johnson IL contractor from Atlanta
6/24/04 – provided email response to johnson’s request for more info.
7/27/04 –email request sitrep from Johnson
7/27/04 – reply to above from Johnson. ‘I sent my report to tina Hutchison several weeks ago. Now it’s in the hands of tina…’
12/20/04 –receive phone call from hunter Ramseur (another va consultant from atlant who figured he’d get some interviews done while in hilton head island s.c.) he comes to house for interview. Post interview he requested some documents with a promise to return them upon his return to Atlanta. Have yet to receive them.
3/4/05 – telephonically request sitrep from Hutchison. ‘just got new guidelines, will know something very soon’. Also advised her about documents given to Ramseur not returned. Hutchison promised to get in touch with him and have them returned.
5/16/05 – email Hutchison request sitrep. Also advised her still nothing back from Ramseur.
9/22/05 – email request sitrep. No contact from anyone (va or consultant) for more than 6 mos now.
12/5/05 – still no contact from anyone. Email Hutchison. 2nd anniversary has now come and gone. Is there really an IL program? Is Hutchison still working in savannah? Hello. Is anyone out there?
12/6/05 – email complaint to Inquiry Routing & Information System (IRIS)
12/6/05 – receive email from hutchison. ‘sorry… have scheduled appointment for 15 dec
12/7/05 – receive response from above. “after discussing your case with ms Hutchison, she reports that due to her current caseload it has been difficult to complete a specific proposal for your ILP and meet other demands on her time. She now has the information from the 2 contractors…”
12/7/05 – reply to Hutchison email ‘0900 will be fine’
12/15/05 – arrive 0850 for appt. 0930 hutchison asks if I have an appt. just another bs meeting. Was given another orientation sheet. Told me hunter had recommended concrete floor greenhouse with elec/water/etc. now she had all the recommendations she would forward to whomever to get final approval
2/2/06 – email Hutchison asking for sitrep.
2/7/06 – inquire of IRIS again…no reply
2/21/06 – another inquiry of IRIS to 2/7/06 inquiry
2/22/06 – receive reply from IRIS. “…request has been sent to mr Ramseur to provide information…, I encourage you to keep in contact with Hutchison…”
2/23/06 – respond to IRIS’s response. “…after I met with Hutchison 15 dec she told me she had ALL the paperwork she needed… and I have sent Hutchison 10 emails with only 2 replies and 3 phone messages – 0 returned…”
2/24/06 – email Hutchison with information outlined in IRIS response of 2/23/06.
2/24/06 – receive email from Hutchison stating she had contacted Ramseur (AGAIN?) for the info from him.
2/27/06 – receive followup from IRIS. “she is communicating with you directly…, please continue to work with her to complete a plan of service.”
3/27/06 – email Hutchison requesting sitrep. “we are going on just about 2 ½ years since this process was started and I think that’s a little excessive.”
3/31/06 – email from Hutchison. “Proposal has been sent to Atlanta for review/approval. …am looking primarily at the 8’ x 10’ size range…”.
4/1/06 – acknowledge email of 3/31/06. request copies of Johnson/Ramseur reports.
5/11/06 – email Hutchison for sitrep. 2nd request for Johnson/Ramseur reports.
5/19/06 – email from Hutchison “final approvals have been received. I am looking for providers and contractors…, Request for information from your file have to go through the freedom of information office in Atlanta and must be in writing. If you need I can get you an address.”
5/19/06 – email Hutchison for address. 3rd request
6/6/06 – since no reply, send written request per 5/19/06 instructions to Hutchison via certified mail 4th request
6/7/06 – item delivered 1:55pm on june 07, 2006 per USPS.
7/28/06 – no reply in over 60 days. email Hutchison again for information/address
5th request
7/28/06 – receive email from Hutchison “I’m off on Monday so I will call you on Tuesday”.
7/31/06 – stayed in house all day to receive call. Never came.
8/1/06 – while at dr appt Hutchison calls and leaves msg, “I’m returning your call”.
8/2/06 – email Hutchison again ask for sitrep , also status of reports requests 6th request
8/7/06 – email Hutchison “did you forward the request for consultant reports I sent you…7th request
10/30/06 – meet with Congressman Barrow’s LA in savannah.
10/30/06 – upon return from Congressman Barrow’s LA called VR&E Regional office in Atlanta. After short recap of situation was advised to FAX a request for another voc rehab counselor if I was unhappy with hutchison. With that answer it appeared to me the problem was not only with Hutchison but in fact was systemic.
10/30/06 – mailed request IAW FOIA to VR&E Regional office same info requested of Hutchison on 7 previous occasions (via cert mail)
11/6/06 – mailed entire 40+ page packet of documents to VA Inspector General.
11/9/06 – certified mail delivered Decatur VR&E office 7:47am
12/12/06 – phoncon from Congressman Barrow’s LA. Ssya he was advised that since some of my disability is for PTSD, VA will not release any information from my files to me, but will release same to my therapist.
12/12/06 – advise karla hillen (therapist of 7 years) of situation. Request I sign release of records form. Go to her office and sign forms.
12/13/06 – therapist request release of info from Hutchison/regional office.
1/26/07 – receive call from Hutchison. Says got final approval (AGAIN???) and is going to turn entire packet over to hunter Ramseur when he comes to savannah next Tuesday. He will again come out to house for prelim survey and negotiation, survey, and coordination for project completion. Additionally she will mail me documents for signature/return……
1/29/07 – receive packet from VA IG. “Unfortunately, we are unable to take action on your correspondence as it is unclear exactly what you are alledging and why you are requesting OIG involvement. We ask that you summarize the 48 pages…”.
2/5/07 – call from therapist. They’ve receieved Johnson/Ramseur reports. Receive 11 pages via fax. Both reports recommendation similar. Still no word from Ramseur. Included is application approval from Grant Swanson VR&E Regional Office. DATED 4/3/06. NOW ALMOST ONE YEAR SINCE APPLICATION WAS APPROVED WITH STILL NO ACTION BEING TAKEN.
2/15/07 – haven’t heard a word from Hutchison or Ramseur. Received nothing in mail from Hutchison. Will fax summary back to IG office today.
2/15/07- fax summary back to IG office
2/19/07 – Johnson/McCartney/Singleton meet with Congressman John Barrow in his Savannah office. This and other veteran issues are discussed. Congressman agrees to provide letter of endorsement on package to be sent to veteran affairs committee members.
3/1/07 – receive email from Hutchison asking if I received paperwork she allegedly mailed for signature/return.
3/1/07 – reply to Hutchison email “on 1/26/07 you stated Ramseur would be picking up packet and would be in contact with me. Also that you would mail documents for signature. I have not heard from Ramseur or received anything from you”.
3/2/07 – Hutchison reads email above.
3/18/07 – receive letter from IG. We have opened a case…
4/12/07 – Receive call from Ramseur stating he was just given case file and would like to come down to meet getting the project underway. I asked him why it took him so long to get in touch he wasn’t sure to what I was referring. Then I advised him that on 26 Jan 07 Hutchison called me and advised he would pick up my packet from her in be in touch shortly. He assured me he had no such knowledge thereof and in fact had just been contacted by the Director to take over this project and get completed asap.
4/16/07 – Receive letter from L.R. Burks dtd 4/10/07 apologizing for the delay and trying to make excuses for what had (actually had not) transpired. Stated that procedures were put into place to prevent future occurrences.
4/18/07 – reply to Burks letter.
4/24/07 – receive reply from Burks “…respond more rapidly more effectively to your needs as well as other veterans…”.
12/3/07 – 1405 amy Thompson called left message
12/3/07 – 1520 return call left msg on voice mail
12/4/07 – 0810 return call left msg
12/4/07 – 1030 return call and talked to amy. She stated whe would like to help me address some of the concerns I addressed to Director Fanning. Gave a recap and sent her copy of my recap. She will read and call back.
12/4/07 – 1710 amy calls and again apologize for shotty treatment. States one thing for certain “authorization for payment for electrician was completed today and he should receive payment in 7 - 10 days”. I find this incredulous because I have email from hunter reamseur 11/16/07 stating the same thing. APPARENTLY SOMEONE IS NOT DOING THEIR JOB AND TELLING FALSEHOODS TO COVER IT UP…….AGAIN…send copy of hunter’s email to her. She explains that apparently someone doesn’t understand the payment process is a 2 step process. Approved at RO and fwded to Austin for payment. IN ALL ACTUALITY IT’S A 3 STEP PROCESS. Local to Regional to Austin. Not withstanding. Why does it take 50+ days to process an invoice for payment?
And another question. First email from Hunter is 10/26 stating invoice for Robinette is at the Regional Office for processing….
Author’s note: It appears Director Fanning has requested an in-house investigation to address the problems I outlined to her. I really believe it’s going to take an upper echelon visit to look into not only what I addressed but really come down and open this pandora’s box. Who knows how many veterans are affected by this malfeasance. The Regional Director L.R. Burks told me in his last letter that all problems had been addressed and corrective actions taken to preclude further occurrences. Apparently that is not true.
Amy Thompson called veteran Singleton 12/3/07 and states she couldn’t find his records but would call him back. 12/7/07 Vy called him back and states amy was out of office. Also stated she couldn’t find his records but would call him back Monday 12/10/07 to talk again.
12/27 send Thompson an email inquiring as to whereabouts of $$$$$ 7-10 days from Dec 4th makes Dec 18th. Is someone lying again?
1/25 receive call from grant swanson…..tries to justify (we process thousands of pieces of paper yearly and occasionally one falls thru the crack…this ENTIRE case has fallen thru the crack repeatedly.
Asks to get copy of robinette invoice. I will fax to him. Says I’m trying to be a surrogate…NO AMY made me a surrogate in her last email….last email pisssed me off hence my followup letter to ruth fanning. Says doesn’t know if there’s anything that can be done but will try……my thoughts…SOMETHING WILL BE DONE….it was still in excess of 30 days when I PAID him.
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